General Statement of Health & Safety Policy
Our Wellbeing:
Industrial GRP is committed satisfying all legal and other requirements and to applying the hierarchy of controls to OH&S risks. We proactively comply with all applicable occupational health and safety, legal and regulatory requirements to which we subscribe in order to:
1. Prevent accidents and work-related ill health by managing health and safety risks in the workplace
2. Provide clear instructions, information and adequate training to ensure employee competence
3. Engage and consult with employees on day-to-day health and safety conditions
4. Implement emergency procedures in case of fire or other significant incidents
5. Maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage/use of substances
Our Customers:
Customer needs are paramount and represent a high priority within our business. Our obligation is to proactively seek out and define customer needs while addressing all requests expeditiously without creating false expectations.
Our Commitment and Communication:
We will ensure that the communication of this policy is achieved to employees, contractors, clients, customers and any other who may wish to view it. Industrial GRP’s Directors and Managers ensure that all requirements, both economically and morally, are in place and implemented at all times, ensuring that our Integrated Management System is second nature.
Mr. James McCallion
Managing Director, Industrial GRP Ltd.